Robert A. Hamel
Bob Hamel is a six-term Laconia City Councilor from Ward 5, and is the Mayor’s appointed liaison to the LRPA board. A life-long resident of Laconia and a fixture at many City and area events, Bob also serves on the board of Winnipesaukee Muskrats baseball; has worked on the Laconia Community Center’s annual Christmas Village for more than four decades; was a member of the Laconia Parks and Recreation Commission for nine years, three as Chairman; and for many years, coached Little League and Babe Ruth baseball and Lou Athanas basketball. Bob is the second generation in a proud US Army family: his dad served in WWII, he is a Vietnam-era vet, and his son is a Lieutenant Colonel (married to a Major). In their free time, Bob and his wife Kaye enjoy motorcycle touring across the country and videotape their adventures for viewing on LRPA-TV. Bob believes that LRPA provides an important service to its communities as a place where members can see their elected officials in action, and where people can share their knowledge, talents and interests.